Drag-and-Drop Editor How-Tos
- How do I add a button to my email design?
- How do I add a margin to a cell in the drag-and-drop editor?
- How do I change the display order of my social buttons?
- How do I change the style of my social buttons?
- How do I copy a section of my email design?
- How do I create a bullet list?
- How do I create columns in a Cell Group?
- How do I customize a cell group?
- How do I delete an image or text block in the drag and drop editor?
- How do I highlight text in my email?
- How do I insert/edit a horizontal rule/divider line using the drag-and-drop editor?
- How do I make the background color of my template transparent?
- How do I paste text into an email using the Drag-and-Drop Editor?
- How do I use a repeater group in my email?
- How do I use anchors in my drag-and-drop email?
- How do I use Content Locks in my email templates?
- How do I use Swap Cell in the drag-and-drop editor?
- How do I use the Code block in the editor?
- How do I use the RSS feed in the drag-and-drop editor?
- What options are available to add and edit buttons in my email?