- Can I add contacts to an existing automation?
- Can I include both Email and SMS steps in my automation?
- Can I use multiple values in one action or condition step?
- How can I use the Split step in the automation designer?
- How can I verify when my automation will start?
- How does a contact's tracking preference impact their movement through automation?
- In what order do I use Condition steps and Pauses in Automation?
- What are the meanings of the statuses seen in Automation?
- What automation steps can be used to create a re-time automation experience?
- What do "All", "Any", "When any contact field changes", "When one of the fields changes" in the Evaluate Contact Data step mean?
- What happens to contacts in an Automation when stopped, then resumed?
- What is event automation?
- What is triggered automation?
- What is Unique ID processing for Automation?
- What reporting is available for my Automations?
- What will the re-entry setting do in my Automation?
- When should I use the schedule options for a Pause step?
- Why don't I have URLs to select in my clicked on email step?