Account & User Management
Account FAQ
- Can I use my own domain for click tracking and hosted content?
- First time login process
- How should the From line be formatted in my campaign?
- What are the definitions of the options under General Account Settings?
- What custom settings are available for my site?
- What is a CNAME?
Account How-Tos
- Can I brand my account with my own logo?
- Can I setup multiple footers in my account?
- How do I add a favicon to brand my Delivra assets?
- How do I add a footer to my account?
- How do I add or edit the Sender Address(es) in my account?
- How do I apply the styling from my template into my footers?
User FAQ
- Can you force multi-factor authentication for new account admins?
- What should I do if I do not receive my password set up email to complete the administrator login process?
- What personal administrator settings are available to me?
- Can I control if the editor retains the formatting of pasted text?
- Why do I see a "Site can't be reached" error message?
- Updating Legacy Roles for Account Administrators
User How-Tos
- How do I add a Site Administrator?
- How do I add landing page permissions to my role?
- How do I reset my password?
- How do I update or change an account administrators Role?
- How do I assign a role to multiple account administrators?
- How do I copy an administrator to another account?