You're building a new subscribe form and you discover that the fields in your custom table are not available for use in the form. Why?
The first part of this answer is that custom tables are not universally available for data inputs from form submissions. Only tables created in a specific set of circumstances will be available to forms.
If any of the following situations are applicable to your account, you will not be able to utilize those table fields in your form(s):
- Your table is not a 1:1 relationship. Forms currently support 1:1 table relationships, therefore, if your table is 1:Many, Many:1, or some other relationship, it will not be available.
- Your table was created using a standard table template. Only tables that were custom created in the UI, not from a template, are supported.
- Your table is part of either a standard integration like Salesforce or Eventbrite, or part of a custom data integration. In these cases, the table will not be available.
Please feel free to contact Support or Client Success with questions or help determining why your custom table fields are not available to forms.
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