In April 2018, we added a tracking preference field to standard contact records to ensure the our platform is GDPR compliant.
Under the GDPR guidelines, subscribers can opt-out of tracking their behavior. This behavior includes opens, clicks, shares, clickstream, and Google Analytics.
Our forms (Subscribe Forms and Preference Centers) are equipped with a field allowing subscribers to opt-out or change their tracking settings. However, you can also make manual adjustments to contact tracking preferences based on requests you may receive.
You can view and edit subscriber's tracking preference in their individual record:
1. Start on the Contacts page.
2. Navigate to the specific contact record using the search feature.
3. Hover over the email address in question and click the Edit drop-down that appears to the right.
4. Their tracking preference will be noted under their name on the right-hand side of the page.
As this is a data field in the contact record, you can also use the "Choose Fields" option on the overall Contacts view to see your list with their tracking preference noted.
In addition to editing tracking preference on a one-off basis (above), you can make adjustments in bulk via API or CSV import (mentioned below).
HOW WILL THIS IMPACT CAMPAIGNS SENT? At the time of campaign send, our system will detect if the recipient has opted out of behavioral tracking. We will then remove the tracking pixels and tracking tags from all emails being sent to recipients that have specified that they do not want their behavior tracked.
HOW WILL THIS IMPACT MY ANALYTICS? Note that subscribers who opt out of tracking opens, clicks, shares, clickstream, and Google Analytics will not show in your reporting for those metrics. When reviewing analytics, keep in mind the percentage of subscribers you have whose behavioral data you may not see.
HOW WILL THIS IMPACT AUTOMATION AND TRIGGERS? As above, if a subscriber opts out of tracking behavioral data like opens or clicks their actions will not be recorded in behavioral automation flows (ex. automations that include flag events like "opened previous campaign" - it will look as if they did not open the campaign) or behavioral triggered segments (ex. a segment for all openers that clicked a certain link).
HOW WILL THIS IMPACT ANONYMOUS BROWSE TRACKING? If you are using Anonymous Clickstream tracking, your form must include the option to opt out of tracking in your subscription form. If a user opts out of tracking, the anonymous browse data and future clickstream data will not be collected.
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