This articles highlights several of our popular reports in the Analytics dashboard:
Account Overview | Mailing Overview | Delivery/Tracking Statistics | Clickthrough Heatmap
Mailing Compare | Customer Overview | Report Groups | Custom Report Builder
Environment Reporting (for Opens) | Sending Volume Reports | Webhooks | Weekly Insights
Account Overview
The Account Overview is a time-based report showing statistics and trends for all sent campaigns within the time frame selected.
The dashboard includes Conversion Pipeline, Delivery and Tracking Statistics, Mailed and Received by Month, Subscriber Engagement, Delivery Time, Membership Count and Complaints, Unsubscribe Rates, and Engagement Activity.
This report is located in Analytics (default view for the Analytics dashboard) or choose "Account Overview" from Analytics > left-side navigation.
Tips & Tricks
1. Update your view by using the "Report Options" button at the top-right of page. Here you can determine the widgets to include, the types of campaigns to include, as well as the time frame (and more).
2. Hover over widgets to find the move icon to organize metrics display to fit your needs.
3. Hover over widgets to find the trash icon to remove widgets from your view that are not necessary.
4. Some widgets include a view data link. Click the link to drill down into the details.
5. Export to PDF from the Report Options drop-down button located at the top-right of page.
Mailing Overview
The Mailing Overview report is a per email or per Report Group report showing the results of sent emails. The dashboard includes statistics such as Conversions, Delivery Statistics, Hits, Actions, Email Client, and Reading Environment information. Find this report: Analytics > Campaigns (on the left-hand navigation) > Mailing Overview.
Tips & Tricks
- Export data to a PDF that includes all graphs and charts. Click the down arrow on the "Select Mailings" button in the top right of the page and choose "Export All to PDF".
- Re-organize widgets to customize your view. Hover over any widget to see the move icon.
- Clicking on the yellow Select Mailings button on the top of the page allows you to select per mailing or report groups.
Delivery/Tracking Statistics
Delivery and Tracking Statistics reports include statistical information related to delivery and tracking of sent emails or report groups. These reports include customization capabilities where you may choose which fields of additional metrics to include on the report and create/save report views. Find these reports in Analytics > Campaigns (left menu) > Tracking Statistics or Delivery Statistics.
Tips & Tricks
1. Customize included statistics
Locate and click the "Choose Fields" button on the right side of the page, under the Viewing section.
A pop-up will display that allows you to choose what to include and remove from your view.
2. Aggregate reporting for sum, average, etc.
Scroll to the bottom of page to view roll-up reporting for Average, Summary, Maximum Value and Minimum Value for any number based column. Use the drop-down to choose the metric to display for columns.
3. Exporting data
Tracking and delivery statistics reports can be exported to PDF, Excel, or XML. Locate & click the more options icon in the navy column title bar.
Clickthrough Heatmap
Our clickthrough heatmap displays the selected campaign design and shows how many clicks took place at each link in a visual way. The report will indicate where the most clicks took place by displaying as a red border around the number of clicks and the least clicks by displaying a blue border.
You will find this report in Analytics > Campaigns (left-hand navigation) > Clickthrough Heatmap.
Heatmap Notes
1. To export, click the download icon located at the top-right of the page under the Cancel button.
2. Click the Select Mailings button to chose another campaign. Only a single campaign may be viewed at a time in this report.
Mailing Compare
The mailing compare report provides the ability to compare the performance of sent emails in one view. This report includes customization capabilities where you may choose which fields of additional metrics to include on the report and create/save report templates. This report is located in Analytics > Campaigns (left-hand navigation) > Mailing Compare Report.
Tips & Tricks
- Customize the statistics included in your view. Click the drop-down on the Select Mailings button and select Choose Fields. A pop-up will to chose what to see or remove from the report view.
- Compare Report Groups. Click the "Select Mailings" button and then "Report Groups" on left navigation to chose multiple report groups to compare.
Customer Overview Reports
The Customer Overview dashboard found in Analytics is a place you can find several reports regarding benchmarks on your statistics, performance reports for your forms, links used in emails, and more. Below we'll outline the reports available here.
1. Company Benchmarks
See how your campaign performance compares with other companies. Chose benchmarks for industry, company size, company revenue, and region. Learn more here.
2. Planned Mailings Calendar
Keep tabs on campaign activity by reviewing summary information, by account, of all draft and scheduled campaigns.
3. Strategic Insights
Compare various contact and campaign metrics over a selected period of time. Create a customized view including widgets for campaign metrics, email volume, subscriber activity, and more. Learn more here.
4. Executive Insights
Review the performance of your email marketing program. Create a customized view including widgets for top activity, overview and comparison statistics. Learn more here.
5. Form Performance
Review metrics related to your forms, including views, submissions, and contacts created. Drill down to review submission details. This report will include tracking for Delivra forms that are hosted in your Delivra account and Delivra forms hosted on your website.
6. Link Performance
Track the performance of links included in emails, landing pages, and forms. Each URL listed will have roll-up metrics for the number of times the link has been included in emails / landing pages / forms, the total clicks, unique clicks, and click percentage. Additionally, you can expand the report to view performance per type of asset: Email, Form, Landing Page.
7. Segment Statistics
Provides insight into how your segments are performing over a specific period of time. In this report you can see how many times each of your segments have been used and the contact count of each segment from the last time it was used (in a campaign or tested). Along with the data points mentioned before, statistics, such as Received, Open%, and Click%, are shown for each segment.
Report Groups
A Report Group is a reporting function that allows you to link several sent emails into one report view to track statistics as a whole.
Use this feature to link together similar campaign types (like all Newsletters) or campaigns sent for the same strategic initiative (pre- and post- event emails).
What reports have a Report Group view?
- Account Overview
- Mailing Overview
- Tracking Statistics
- Mailing compare
- Link Performance... and more!
For multi-account customers, site admins can create Report Groups that span the entire site to create cross-account reports. Find out how here.
Custom Report Builder
Our Custom Report Builder lets you build and save customized reports on your subscriber database and campaign performance. It pushes your analytical capabilities further than ever before, allowing you to pull groups of campaigns by attribute.
The Custom Report Builder allows you to build custom Contact or Campaign reports to help report on your database or campaign performance. Reports are available to save, privatize, and export. Campaign Reports are available to schedule to deliver to your email inbox at regularly set intervals.
See more on how to use the Custom Report Builder.
Custom Report Builder Notes
1. Availability of Custom Reports depends on your license package. For more information on licenses, please visit or email our Client Success team.
Account admins must have the correct permissions to access custom reporting. If you cannot see this feature, check your permission sets with your site admin first.
2. Custom Reports cannot be accessed via API.
Environment Reporting
The Custom Report Builder and Mailing Overview report offers open environment tracking. This means you can see tracking by email clients, reading environments, and client platforms based on where the open occurred. Below are common terms and their definitions.
1. Email Clients
Represents the Email Clients or Browsers where an email is opened. "Other" means a Browser is populated, but not one we can identify. Some examples are: Windows Live Mail and Thunderbird.
2. Reading Environment
Represents whether the email is opened on a mobile device, using a desktop application (i.e. Outlook), or using a web Browser.
- "Desktop" is an application, like Outlook or Thunderbird.
- "Web" is Browser based email clients like Yahoo.
- "Mobile" is an application on a mobile device like Apple Mail.
- "Unknown" represents no value returned from the browser or email client because it's an environment that doesn't conform to standards.
- iPhone users with Apple Mail Privacy Protection enabled on the device will be reported as "Unknown".
3. Client Platforms
Represents what type of device is used to open an email.
Environment Reporting Notes
- Open environment reporting is available to give you insight into your audience on a campaign-by-campaign basis. Pulling a list of contacts by environment, email client, or platform is not available.
- If you are looking for this kind of contact information, you can click into the Total Opens in the Mailing Overview report to see this data for each individual contact and export it.
- General environment segmentation can be created in the segment builder for Desktop vs. Mobile vs. Web. When building a segment using an action clause, you will see a drop-down menu for the environment:
- It is important to understand that the privacy protection settings Apple released in the fall of 2021 will impact the accuracy of both of these reports. Please visit the following resources for FAQ and recommendations regarding tracked activity & Apple Mail Privacy Protection.
Sending Volume Reports
Delivra offers billing reports to make gathering send data easier for you. You will find these reports in your Analytics dashboard > choose "Billing" from the left menu.
1. Billing Email Volume features
- Multiple account selection menu (where applicable)
- Time range selection menu
- Choose Fields to include in report view
- Save default report view
- Export to Excel
2. Billing SMS Volume features
- Multiple account selection menu (where applicable)
- Time range selection menu
- Export to Excel
Tips & Tricks
- Add volume widgets to your account dashboard view (home page). From your homepage, click the "Add Widget" button located in the top right of the page. Then click the "+" button for each widget to be added to your dashboard view.
- Configure and schedule the Billing Email Volume report to be emailed to you on a recurring basis. Click the "Schedule Email Report" button. Availability of this feature depends on your license. Please visit for license packaging if needed.
Simply stated, a webhook is an automated way for one application to provide other applications with real-time information.
You can configure webhooks to automatically receive data about your email marketing performance. Webhooks allow you to receive events when contact information changes, campaigns are sent, or engagement occurs by opening a campaign or clicking on a link. In addition, you will be able to see when a new contact is added or edited in your account.
- Find instructions in the Integrations dashboard of your account. Click the Settings icon > then choose Integrations. Search for "webhook".
- Click "Ok"
- Click "Add Webhook"
Setup Webhooks by clicking the Setup button on the Integrations page and completing the following inputs. Then click Save.
Webhook Notes
- Webhooks may be configured for multiple accounts.
- Webhooks are available to all licenses.
- There is no log kept for successful or failed attempts.
- Webhooks are specific to your organization. Therefore, our Support team does not have a means to troubleshoot issues that arise.
- Webhooks are only available for emails clients. We do not currently have webhooks to send SMS responses from contacts back to the customer.
Weekly Insights
Insight reports are auto-generated from your account(s) on a weekly basis and provide campaign statistics for open rates, successful subject lines, average click-to-open rates, most successful content and more. Each week includes account level information on a different topic.
Week 1: Average Open Rate, Most Successful Subject Lines, # of Mailings Sent
Week 2: Average Click-to-Open Rate, Most Successful Content
Week 3: Device Summary, Desktop vs Mobile
Week 4: Contact Growth, Social Shares, Contact Activity Read More
Week 5: Top Domains, Average Bounce Rate, Delivery Rate
Learn more about each of the weekly Insight reports: Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five
Learn more about managing your subscription here.
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