There are a few ways your email recipients can unsubscribe from a campaign that they receive from you, including a couple scenarios that would not send tracking information back to your Delivra account. This article defines unsubscribe options that may occur from a campaign.
1. A recipient can use the unsubscribe link in the footer of your email. This should be tracked into your clicks for the campaign. We use the word should because it depends on if your account footer is setup to track clicks on the unsubscribe link. Some customers opt to exclude this link from their tracking.
2. A recipient can use the Spam button to report the received message to their email client. This action would not be a tracked action and count into your click activity. This action is however reported back to Delivra, and any contact that uses the Spam button will be reported as a complaint for the campaign. Complaints are also automatically unsubscribed from the account.
3. A recipient can use the unsubscribe option found in the header of the received campaign. Depending on the email client, most commonly Google Mail, the email client offers a link to unsubscribe. This action would not be tracked in your clicks for the campaign.
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