In the Segment builder, there is an option to Review my Data/Download my Data when creating segment clauses. Click open to review all data possibilities in the field used in the clause, making it easier to know what value(s) to use.
- When working with custom tables (like eCommerce, Events, or Salesforce) the feature is presented as "Review My Data" when building a segment clause.
- When working with the default contact table the feature is presented as "Download My Data Values" because of the volume of data that is present in the contact table.
Below we outline examples using each case.
Review My Data (Custom table)
- Navigate to Contacts dashboard & select "Segments" from the left-hand navigation.
- You can either edit an existing segment, or create a new segment.
- To create a new segment, click the "Create Email Segment" button. From there, provide a name and then click open the "Select Field" menu. Scroll to the bottom of the list to find the "Extended Table Fields" section. Find & click the field name to be used for the segment clause.
- To edit an existing segment, scroll the library page or use the search option to find the segment. When found, hover-over & click the "Edit" button that appears. Click the pencil icon next to the clause to be edited in the segment.
- Click on "Review my Data".
- A list will populate to show all values that are currently stored in that field for contact records. Click on the value you want to include in your clause and click "OK".
- Make any additional edits and when done, click "Ok" to insert the clause or update the clause if it were already existing in the segment.
- Then, click "Save & Test" to save the segment and return results on-screen.
Download My Data (Standard contact table)
- Follow steps 1 & 2 outlined above to get to the edit clause pop-up.
- Click on "Download My Data".
- A list of values will download in your browser window. Open the file to review. Make note of value(s) & return to the clause pop-up.
- Enter the value in the "Value" text box.
- Make any additional edits and when done, click "Ok" to insert the clause or update the clause if it were already existing in the segment.
- Then, click "Save & Test" to save the segment and return results on-screen.
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